White Coat. June 2024
This short essay was published in the June 2024 issue of The Sun magazine in response to the magazine's themed submission call for its Readers Write section. The theme was "uniforms." Click here.
Ten Thousand Days in the Making. May 2023
An article about portrait artist Jay Johansen's artistic collaboration of his nearly 40-year art career, published in the May 2023 issue of Art World News, p. 18.
Person of Color. December 2021
With the recent discovery of my genetic heritage, I've uncovered surprising data on my ethnic makeup. While I've always identified as Black, it turns out that there is a whole lot more to who I am than I realized. Those unexpected traits are emblematic of the history of how the African American population came into existence. "Person of Color" is a personal essay published online by Blended Future Project that recounts my efforts to "fit in" while coming of age in a society that has favored racial compartmentalization from the get-go. (Click here.)
Gerrymandering must end. Communities of color deserve a more equitable society. November 2021
While the title assigned to this opinion piece that appeared in the November 23rd issue of The San Diego Union-Tribune suggests that all gerrymandering should be abolished, I wrote about the intentional manipulation of voter districts around the country that has disenfranchised certain demographics. To counter this effort, some areas desire a "reverse gerrymandering" to restore or improve representation of voters historically underrepresented. Click here.
America, This is Who We Are. January 2021
During the last four years of this current presidency, many have lamented, "This is not who we are," in reference to the intense hatred, racial hostility, and divisiveness that have infested our national discourse. In my opinion piece published Jan 8, 2021 in The San Diego Union-Tribune titled, "Stop saying, 'This is not who we are.' America, this is exactly who we are," I explain that, indeed, the fragility of America's democracy is exposed precisely because of who we are.
Managing Thyroid Cancer, Health Matters, October 2013
Is thyroid cancer really on the rise?
Golf sisters, unite and step up to the tee at the club - any club,, March 2012
In these economic times, golf club membership is more affordable than in years past. If you're a lady golfer thinking about joining a club, you want to take into consideration whether a particular club offers the opportunity to meet and play with other women golfers. For those who are uncertain about whether club membership is a good thing, this article will help you sort through the various options available to women who love the game.
Shape Up With a Personal Trainer, Health Matters, January 2012
If you're having trouble sticking with a weight-loss program, you're not alone. Hiring a personal trainer may be the ticket you need to get into better shape for the New Year and beyond.
Cancer Clinical Trials: When Running Out of Options is Not an Option, Health Matters, October 2011
Physicians and patients are always searching for new ways to fight cancer. Enrolling in a cancer clinical trial may be the best way to go when conventional measures are not enough.
I swear I didn't hit that shot, it must have been my evil twin,, september 2011
Golf is challenging enough for players of all levels. It seems that the mental aspect of the game poses the greatest challenge of all.
An Eye for An Eye, Health Matters, August 2011
While vision correction surgery has enabled those dependent on corrective lenses to enjoy everyday life without the hassle of glasses, contact lenses or cleaning solutions, refractive surgery is not for everyone.
He says 'That's good.' She says 'Oh really?',, June 2011
Most golfers are aware that the rules of golf govern play on any course. But when it comes to enforcing those rules, some would have you believe that women are more hard-nosed than men.
Smile by Design, Health Matters, Winter 2011
Smile-makeovers can lead to a huge boost in self-confidence. Local cosmetic dentistry experts share their knowledge about the latest cosmetic procedures and who qualifies as an ideal candidate for a redesigned smile.
Unleash Your Inner Fashionista, Who's Counting?, Fall 2010
Fashion trends may not be the answer for the mature woman in need of help with fashion choices. If you're tired of wearing black, or if you're not sure what fashions work best after age 50, this article is a "must read" before your next night on the town.
Physical Therapy: Getting the Job Done Right, Health Matters, Fall 2009
In this day and age of the great healthcare debate, employee health benefits are the fatest growing expense for employers. Workplace injury and illness play a prominent role in skyrocketing healthcare costs, and there is near unanimous agreement that the healthcare system is in dire need of fixing. Two Monterey Peninsula physical therapists share their opinions about the expanding role of physical therapy in on-the-job injury prevention and workplace wellness.
What's Age Got to Do With It? Sixtyfive Plus, Fall/Winter 2009
Three years ago, Annie Garnero-Richerts was well on her way to being wheelchair-bound. But with the assistance of a personal trainer and the determination to regain her strength, Annie began a weight training program and never looked back.
Cancer Treatment: A Community Approach Health Matters, Spring 2009
Community Comprehensive Cancer Centers are sufacing in hospitals thoughout the nation. In addition to conventional cancer diagnosis and treatment methods utilizing the latest state-of-the-art technology, comprehensive cancer centers incorporate a holistic approach that includes medical staff from a variety of specialties along with complementary therapies such as guided imagery, hypnosis and acupuncture.
Living with Autism. Health Matters, Fall 2008
In recent years, the number of people diagnosed with autism has been on the rise. Using the experiences of two parents with autistic children, learn the warning signs that can lead to early detection and intervention, both of which should occur while a child's brain is still developing.
An Ounce of Prevention. Health Matters, Winter 2008
With an aging Baby Boomer population, never before has an "an ounce of prevention" been worth more. With the assistance of a primary care provider and health guidelines taken from the websites of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, the American Heart Association, the American Cancer Society and the National Cancer Institute, this article will help you improve your health forecast by starting your New Year with a health tune-up.
The Breast Cancer Divide: Why Are So Many African American Women Dying? Ms. Magazine, Fall 2004
Greater use of mammography screening has led to increased breast cancer detection for American women in general. Yet African American women have benefitted less from the same treatment advances that have decreased breast cancer mortality for white women.
Michelle Wie Doesn’t Play with Dolls. Spirit of Aloha, September/October 2003
At six feet tall, Hawaiian teen-golf-phenom Michelle Wie is a remarkable athlete, breaking gender barriers and setting records at an astronomical pace. But her talents also extend to her scholastic achievement, and her parents are supporting her on both fronts.
Cancer Watch: Why Age 40 May Be Too Late for a Mammogram. Upscale, September/October 2002
Conventional medical practice dictates that average risk women needn’t be concerned about getting mammograms before age 40. Two breast cancer survivors speak about being diagnosed in their early 30’s and their struggle to be taken seriously.